Digitization of Industrial 4.0 Processes

  • Francisco Fabián Tobías Macías Instituto Tecnológico de Piedras Negras
  • Felix Fernando de Hoyos Vázquez Instituto Tecnológico de Piedras Negras
  • Raúl Alfonso Villarreal Flores Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
  • Paula Graciela Vázquez de la Garza Instituto Tecnológico de Piedras Negras
  • Mario González Fernández Guerra Instituto Tecnológico de Piedras Negras
  • Otoniel Arreaga Garza Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicio


The Internet has proven to be a very useful tool both in the family and at work, allowing the optimization of numerous processes that could otherwise be tedious. These processes range from household tasks to responsibilities in the work environment, with the purpose of improving productivity and saving time in solving problems that require specific solutions. Thanks to the Internet, we have significantly advanced technology in recent years, incorporating notable improvements in work spaces. This includes the automation of processes, the storage of databases in the cloud and the implementation of new technologies ranging from the use of the Internet to the application of technologies based on artificial intelligence to automate tasks that, for the average person, are usually be complex. This has brought us to a new era of technology in the digital age. The objective of this research covers several aspects, including the exploration of the benefits provided by Industry 4.0 and its impact on employment. In addition, it seeks to evaluate people's level of familiarity with the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it is integrated into our environment.